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The Conflict Between Heart and Sex


Innocence is wholesome.

The word “Innocence” (Ta’mim) in Hebrew is very close to the Arabic word (Ta’mam), which means “okay.” Both words have evolved from the word “SHALEM” (meaning whole in Hebrew), commonly known as “SHALOM” in Hebrew or “SALAM” in Arabic. Both are used as greetings meaning “HELLO,” but they actually signify “PEACE.”

Quick recap:


In a deeper sense, something that is whole and complete holds “NO FRACTURE” or “NO CONFLICT.” Thus, one might say it is at PEACE.

However, in many views, the world is far from peaceful. We don’t need to look far to find tension and polarization in life itself.

On one hand, there is the life force—the reason for the creation of life, categorized under desire and sexuality—SEX. This represents our primal instincts and the drive to procreate and experience physical pleasure.

On the other hand, there is the nurturing love required for growth and the continuity of life, categorized under care and love—the HEART. This represents compassion, emotional connection, and the bonds that sustain human relationships.

The archetypal figures of Eva and Lilith, Mother Mary and Maria Magdalena, embody this famous split known as “the Mother and the Whore split”.

While kind of easily understood, and projected on the female figure, this dichotomy deeply impacts both men and women alike, reflecting the ultimate split between Heart and Sex.

Both in the abstract concepts, such as - love and lust, as well as in the embodied experience of two body organs that are energetically disconnected,

This split influences societal norms, educational modalities, and ways of thinking and upbringing, that creates a collective consciousness where heart and sex are seen as opposing forces rather than complementary aspects of a whole human experience.

Often, this  division in the collective consciousness leads to inner conflicts and tension between sexual desire and love, causing to hide and shame the fact that we all are sexual beings…

Can we still be Innocent, Whole, and Holy, while having Sexual needs and Desires?

I invite you to explore, in an embodied way, the split between the heart and sex in the collective consciousness of our society, while exploring the relations with your own sexuality, like an artist in the process of creation.

Reflecting on your life, relationships, and sense of self.

Integrating this exploration, to s state of peace and wholeness within ourselves and each other.

I am looking forward to sharing this exciting spaces of exploration with you!


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