To Choose ~ To Love ~ To Be Successful.
To Vibrate your Erotic Being.
Achieve profound satisfaction, authenticity, intimacy, and fulfilment by uncovering and transforming the unconscious patterns that limit your
As a transformational facilitator and coach specialising in intimacy, embodiment, authentic communication, and Eros, I am dedicated to guiding you toward your most authentic expression, fulfilment, freedom, and success.

"Every moment in Life has alter layers of reality.
How deep would you like yours to be?"
~ Ananda
​Upcoming Events
- Thu, Feb 20Location is TBD
- Sat, Mar 15Location is TBD
- Fri, Mar 21Location is TBD
- Wed, Apr 30Provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola
- Wed, Jun 11Location is TBD
- Thu, Jun 19Location is TBD
~ Ananda
Freya, Berlin
"You were offering an invitation to come into deeper states of authenticity within our own spirituality, sensuality and sexuality. This space was created with an invitation for everybody to raise their frequency, raise up their energy and become more into connection to divinity. The purity of that intention was carried through immensely into my body, into my heart and into my life"~ Freya, temple facilitator
Mila, Berlin
“What has made my experience in Ananda's retreat different from others, is his clear, embodied and, honestly, touching transmission of two things: inner authority and the innocence of Eros. It was new for me that a guide/facilitator not only told me that I can safely make my own choices at the retreat, but made me feel it. Ananda was leading, but I never felt I could do anything wrong, I felt full permission to be myself, use his instruction in whichever way I needed. This is obvious intellectually, but making inner authority felt emotionally in a group setting is magic to me. And feeling my inner authority in this way made it so much easier to feel Eros as non-threatening, to feel safe enough in myself to allow it to flow. A rare experience for me and, I can imagine, for other women, too. Thank you, Ananda" ~ Mila, PHD psychotherapist”
Ruth, UK
“ Ananda has a super power to turn pain to pleasure ” ~ Ruth, advanced spiral practitioner
Jasmin, Germany
“What I cherish the most about Ananda is his lightness and playfulness … it’s like a door-opener to weird exercises, switching off the head a little, stop overthinking it and just having fun with it. And thereby entering new worlds that otherwise never be discovered. You can make crazy, scary Things into a playful game.” ~ Jasmin, temple priestes